Get ready to celebrate Halloween 2024 with the third installment of Magic Cat Academy, featuring Momo the cat! This year’s interactive Google Doodle takes the spooky fun to new heights—literally—as Momo faces ghostly foes across the layers of the atmosphere, including her nemesis, Marshmallow the ghost.
What’s New in Halloween 2024?
In this cosmic adventure, players join Momo in drawing symbols to vanquish mischievous spirits. Following her previous battles in a haunted school and an underwater escapade, Momo now embarks on an intergalactic mission to save the day once again.
Ways to Celebrate Halloween with the Doodle
Whether you’re indulging in treats, donning your scariest costume, watching horror flicks, or diving into this interactive game, Momo’s journey promises thrilling Halloween fun for everyone.
Behind the Scenes: Magic Cat Academy 2024
The spooky magic is brought to life by a talented team of artists, engineers, musicians, and marketing professionals.
Key Credits
- Art & Animation: Celine You, Olivia When, Juliana Chen, Helene Leroux, Alyssa Winans, Nate Sandhart
- Engineering: Stephanie Gu, Jonathan Shneier, Jasper Louie
- Music & Sound Design: Silas Hite
- Marketing: Selly Sallah, Caroline Moran
Dive Into the Fun!
Hit play on today’s Doodle and help Momo save the atmosphere one swipe at a time. Happy Halloween from Google!